Discover Modern & Contemporary Japanese prints — original works which celebrate the beauty, history, and innovation of Japanese printmaking. From post-war sōsaku-hanga (創作版画) to today’s artists redefining the medium, these prints carry centuries-old tradition into the present.
The collection offers a space to explore Japan through its printmakers; artists who have showcased everything from serene landscapes to bold abstractions across a diverse range of styles - reflecting the evolution of hanga throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Whether for a home, office, or collection, these original artworks combine intricate craftsmanship with artistic vision.
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Modern & Contemporary Japanese Prints
- Modern & Contemporary Japanese Prints - All
- Latest/New Prints:
- Modern Japanese Prints (創作版画)
- Contemporary Japanese Prints (現代版画)
- Abstract (抽象)
- Animals & Flowers (動物と花)
- Architecture: Traditional & Modern (建築: 伝統と現代)
- Bijin-ga (Beautiful Women, 美人画)
- Daily Life: Traditional & Modern (日常生活: 伝統と現代)
- Festivals & Traditions (祭りと伝統)
- Geisha, Kabuki & Performing Arts (芸者, 歌舞伎, 舞台芸術)
- Landscapes & Cultural Landmarks (風景と文化的名所)
- Mt. Fuji Art (富士山)
- Nature & Seasons (自然と季節)
- Japanese Portraiture (肖像画)
- Samurai & Warriors (侍と武者)
- Still Life & Cultural Treasures (静物と文化の宝物)
- Japanese Sumo Art (相撲)
- Surreal & Imaginative Realms (シュールと想像の世界)
- Yokai, Legend, & Mythology (妖怪と神話)
- Japanese Woodblock Prints (木版画)
- Japanese Wood Engraving (木口木版)
- Stencil/Kappazuri (合羽摺)
- Mezzotint (メゾチント)
- Japanese Silkscreen Prints (シルクスクリーン)
- Lithograph & Etching (リトグラフ・エッチング)
- 靉嘔 Ay-O (1931-Present)
- 黒崎彰 Akira Kurosaki (1937-2019)
- クリフトンカーフ Clifton Karhu (1927-2007)
- 木下大門 Daimon Kinoshita (1946-Present)
- 北岡文雄 Fumio Kitaoka (1918-2007)
- 奥山儀八郎 Gihachiro Okuyama (1907-1981)
- 奥山義人 Gijin Okuyama (1934-Present)
- 矢柳剛 Go (Tsuyoshi) Yayanagi (1933-Present)
- 巻白 Haku Maki (1924-2000)
- 稲葉治夫 Haruo Inaba (1931-2010)
- 吉田秀司 Hideshi Yoshida (1968-Present)
- 高橋宏光 Hiromitsu Takahashi (1959-Present)
- 吉田穂高 Hodaka Yoshida (1926-1995)
- 城景都 Joh Keito (1946-Present)
- 河野薫 Kaoru Kawano (1916-1965)
- 斎藤カオル Kaoru Saito (1931-Present)
- 西嶋勝之 Katsuyuki Nishijima (1945-Present)
- 杉浦和利 Kazutoshi Sugiura (1938-Present)
- 斎藤清 Kiyoshi Saito (1907-1997)
- 関口コオ Koh Sekiguchi (1937-2018)
- 坂本好一 Koichi Sakamoto (1932-Present)
- 菅井汲 Kumi Sugai (1919-1996)
- 金子邦生 Kunio Kaneko (1949-Present)
- 井堂雅夫 Masao Ido (1945-2016)
- 池田満寿夫 Masuo Ikeda (1934-1997)
- 土屋未沙 Misa Tsuchiya (1993-Present)
- 塩見奈々 Nana Shiomi (1956-Present)
- ポールビニー Paul Binnie (1967-Present)
- 森村玲 Ray Morimura (1948-Present)
- 渡辺禎雄 Sadao Watanabe (1913-1996)
- 小西誠一郎 Seiichiro Konishi (1919-Present)
- 西村宣造 Senzo Nishimura (1943-2012)
- 尾崎志郎 Shiro Ozaki (1923-2005)
- 門脇俊一 Shunichi Kadowaki (1913-2006)
- 徳力富吉郎 Tomikichiro Tokuriki (1902-2000)
- 船坂芳助 Yoshisuke Funasaka (1939-Present)