Discover Modern & Contemporary Japanese prints — original works which celebrate the beauty, history, and innovation of Japanese printmaking. From post-war sōsaku-hanga (創作版画) to today’s artists redefining the medium, these prints carry centuries-old tradition into the present.

The collection offers a space to explore Japan through its printmakers; artists who have showcased everything from serene landscapes to bold abstractions across a diverse range of styles - reflecting the evolution of hanga throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Whether for a home, office, or collection, these original artworks combine intricate craftsmanship with artistic vision.

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Japanese Portraiture (肖像画)

Sadao Watanabe - カナンの葡萄 (Grapes of Canaan)
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| オレンジ (Mixed Fruits: "Orange")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| ピーチ (Mixed Fruits: "Peach")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| ストロベリー (Mixed Fruits: "Strawberry")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| マンゴ (Mixed Fruits: "Mango")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| パイナップル (Mixed Fruits: "Pineapple")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| ウォーターメロン (Mixed Fruits: "Watermelon")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| バナナ (Mixed Fruits: "Banana")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| アップル (Mixed Fruits: "Apple")
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Masuo Ikeda -『ミックスド・フルーツ』| ホワイト・ペアー (Mixed Fruits: "White Pearl")
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Koh Sekiguchi - からっ風吹く(The Dry Wind Blows)
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Gihachiro Okuyama - フィンセントファンゴッホ の自画像 (Vincent Van Gogh Self-Portrait)
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Gihachiro Okuyama - タンギー像 (ゴッホ) ("Père Tanguy", portrait after Vincent Van Gogh)
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Gihachiro Okuyama ゴッホ 眼帯をした老人 (Gogh: Old Man Wearing an Eye-Patch)
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Paul Binnie - 龍に鬼 Dragon and Demon
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Paul Binnie - 北斎の滝 Hokusai's Waterfalls
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Paul Binnie - 国芳の猫 Kuniyoshi's Cats
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Paul Binnie - 芳年の化け物 Yoshitoshi’s Ghosts
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Paul Binnie - 国貞の團十郎 Kunisada's Danjūrō
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Daimon Kinoshita - 大関四人衆 (Four "Ozeki" Sumo Wrestlers)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱照国土俵入り (Yokozuna Terukuni Manzō Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱旭富士土俵入り (Yokozuna Asahifuji Seiya Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 三代目若乃花土俵入り ((3rd Generation) Wakanohana Masaru Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱柏戸土俵入り (Yokozuna Kashiwado Tsuyoshi Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱佐田の山土俵入り (Yokozuna Sadanoyama Shinmatsu Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱隆の里土俵入り (Yokozuna Takanosato Toshihide Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱北勝海信芳 (Yokozuna Hokutoumi Nobuyoshi)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 両国五人大男 (Five Strong Men of Ryogoku)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱大乃国土俵入り (Yokozuna Onokuni Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 横綱栃錦土俵入り(Yokozuna Tochinishiki Kiyotaka Ring-Entering Ceremony)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 貴花田立ち姿 (Takanohana Ring Stance)
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Daimon Kinoshita - 若花田/貴花田兄弟図 (Wakanohana & Takanohana Brothers)
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Clifton Karhu - Chushingura Senzaki Yagoro
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Gihachiro Okuyama - 髪を梳く女 (Woman Combing Her Hair (Lautrec))
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