Seiichiro Konishi is a celebrated artist renowned for his dedication to capturing the beauty of Kyoto. His prints often depict the city’s landscapes in serene, seasonal, and evening settings, offering a tranquil and warm portrayal of Kyoto's timeless charm. Teaching himself woodblock printing after initially training in oils under Igaki Kahei (1892-1970), Konishi meticulously self-carves and prints (自刻自摺) all of his work. A true Sosaku-hanga artist, Konishi’s woodblock prints carry a wonderful contrast of color, often achieved solely through the use of colour blocks alone!

An official member of the 日本版画協会 (Nihon Hanga Kyokai) since 1930, Konishi printed whilst illustrating for a newspaper before exhibiting his prints from 1951. Participating in numerous exhibitions with the 新制作協会 (Shin Seisaku Kyokai) and 独立美術協会 (Dokuritsu Bijutsu Kyokai) alongside his own solo exhibitions; despite some international showcases, Konishi’s works have remained relatively rare outside Japan until more recently. Highly valued by collectors, his prints continue to appreciate, cherished for their lovely portrayal of Kyoto’s beauty.