Discover Modern & Contemporary Japanese prints — original works which celebrate the beauty, history, and innovation of Japanese printmaking. From post-war sōsaku-hanga (創作版画) to today’s artists redefining the medium, these prints carry centuries-old tradition into the present.

The collection offers a space to explore Japan through its printmakers; artists who have showcased everything from serene landscapes to bold abstractions across a diverse range of styles - reflecting the evolution of hanga throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Whether for a home, office, or collection, these original artworks combine intricate craftsmanship with artistic vision.

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菅井汲 Kumi Sugai (1919-1996)

Kumi Sugai - '93年11月 (Novembre '93)
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Kumi Sugai - 双子座 (Gemeaux)
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Kumi Sugai - 獅子座 (Lion)
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Kumi Sugai - 魚座 (Poissons)
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Kumi Sugai - ヴァリエーション 4 (Variations 4)
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Kumi Sugai - ヴァリエーション 3 (Variations 3)
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Kumi Sugai - ヴァリエーション 2 (Variations 2)
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Kumi Sugai - 水瓶座 (Verseau)
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Kumi Sugai - '93年9月 (Septembre '93)
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Kumi Sugai - '93年3月 (Mars '93)
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Kumi Sugai - S 赤とピンク (S Rouge et Rose)
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Kumi Sugai - S 赤と緑 (S Rouge et Vert)
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Kumi Sugai - 山羊座 (Capricorne)
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Kumi Sugai - 蠍座 (Scorpion)
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Kumi Sugai - 牡牛座 (Taureau)
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Kumi Sugai - トランプ マーク[M] (Trump Mark M)
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Kumi Sugai - ゲスト IV (Guest IV)
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Kumi Sugai - 標識 C (Signal C)
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Kumi Sugai - トランプ K (Jeu de Carts K)
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Kumi Sugai - グループ I (Group I)
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Kumi Sugai - Objet Signal
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Kumi Sugai - S 黄色い矢 (S Flèche Jaune)
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Kumi Sugai - 四つの矢 (Quatre Flèches)
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Kumi Sugai - S 青い矢 (S Flèches Bleues)
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Kumi Sugai - S 赤い矢 (S Flèches Rouges).
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