Discover Modern & Contemporary Japanese prints — original works which celebrate the beauty, history, and innovation of Japanese printmaking. From post-war sōsaku-hanga (創作版画) to today’s artists redefining the medium, these prints carry centuries-old tradition into the present.

The collection offers a space to explore Japan through its printmakers; artists who have showcased everything from serene landscapes to bold abstractions across a diverse range of styles - reflecting the evolution of hanga throughout the 20th and 21st centuries. Whether for a home, office, or collection, these original artworks combine intricate craftsmanship with artistic vision.

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Contemporary Japanese Prints (現代版画)

Hideshi Yoshida - エゴイストの、エゴイストによる、エゴイストの為のサバイバルマシン (The Survival Machine for Egoists, by Egoists, of Egoists)
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Hideshi Yoshida - CEOは,朝のコーヒーを飲みながら、今日はどんな奇跡を起こそうかと考える (The CEO, while drinking morning coffee, contemplates what miracles might happen today)
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Hideshi Yoshida - 知恵と勇気があれば良い (All it takes is wisdom and courage)
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Hideshi Yoshida - パンダまみれ (Pandas Everywhere!)
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Hideshi Yoshida - シャンプーはちょっと苦手です (I'm not very good with shampoo...)
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Hideshi Yoshida - 囚人のn乗 (Prisoner to the n-th power)
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Hideshi Yoshida - インスマスを覆う影 (The Shadow Over Innsmouth)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 喧騒 (Hustle and Bustle)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 滝登り (Swimming up a Waterfall)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 奮起 (Stirring...)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 離脱 (Breakaway)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 心酔 (Infatuation)
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Misa Tsuchiya - Illusion
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Misa Tsuchiya - ブタ (Pig)
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Misa Tsuchiya - あっちへいこう (LET'S GO OVER THERE)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 赤富士 (Red Fuji)
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Misa Tsuchiya - "Hungry Ⅲ"
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Misa Tsuchiya - ミッドナイト (Midnight)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 火球 (Fireball)
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Misa Tsuchiya - tiger skin
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Misa Tsuchiya - infinite loop
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Misa Tsuchiya - ピンク ギャング (Pink Gang)
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Misa Tsuchiya - 襲来 (Invasion)
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Misa Tsuchiya - danger
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Misa Tsuchiya - せなか (Back)
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Misa Tsuchiya -さんぽ (Walk around)
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Misa Tsuchiya - Sunrise
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Misa Tsuchiya - 疾走 (Sprinting)
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Misa Tsuchiya - tiger
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Hideshi Yoshida - 挑戦者たち (The Challengers)
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Hideshi Yoshida - 離脱、あるいは再生へのかすかな希望 (Withdrawal, or a Faint Hope for Revival)
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Hideshi Yoshida - かわいさによる全宇宙征服計画 (A plan to conquer the universe with cuteness)
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Hideshi Yoshida - ジキルとハイド (Jekyll and Hyde)
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Hideshi Yoshida - そうは言っても飛ぶのはやさしい (Even so, flying is easy)
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Hideshi Yoshida - 我、微動だにせず (I will remain completely still...)
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Hideshi Yoshida - Three Smart Monkeys
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Hideshi Yoshida - トラウマ消します (多大なる自己犠牲の下で) (Trauma erasure (at great self-sacrifice))
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Hideshi Yoshida - Easier, Safer and Much Better Than The Nature
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Paul Binnie - グランドキャニオン Cloud Shadows, Grand Canyon
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Paul Binnie - 龍に鬼 Dragon and Demon
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Paul Binnie - 北斎の滝 Hokusai's Waterfalls
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Paul Binnie - 国貞の團十郎 Kunisada's Danjūrō
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Paul Binnie - 国芳の猫 Kuniyoshi's Cats
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Paul Binnie - 芳年の化け物 Yoshitoshi’s Ghosts
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