Misa Tsuchiya - あっちへいこう (LET'S GO OVER THERE)

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Title: あっちへいこう (LET'S GO OVER THERE). Ed. 1/15.

Artist: Misa Tsuchiya (1993-Present).

Signed & Dated: Signed, titled, & editioned in pencil to plate. Published 2023.

Medium: Water-based Woodblock Print. Printed on "Tosa Washi No. 1". 100% Kozo, Kochi Prefecture.

Paper Size: Approx: H: 30.50cm x W: 26.00cm. (Image: H: 22.50cm x W: 18.00cm).

Condition: Mint. Direct from artist. Please contact for any further questions/photos.

Notes: Ducks!!!! Quack… A fabulous piece from her monochrome works. Misa Tsuchiya’s insight & inspiration behind this wonderfully fun piece, あっちへいこう (LET'S GO OVER THERE):

集団意識の強いアヒル。どんなにバラバラの考えでも「あっちへいこう」と多数が決めたらみんな同じ方向へいく。(A duck with a strong collective consciousness. No matter how different your thoughts are, if the majority decides to go over there - everyone goes in the same direction).

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