Misa Tsuchiya - 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal)
Title: 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal). Ed.7/15.
Artist: Misa Tsuchiya (1993-Present).
Signed & Dated: Signed, titled, & editioned in pencil to plate. Published 2023.
Medium: Water-based Woodblock Print. Printed on "Tosa Washi No. 1". 100% Kozo, Kochi Prefecture.
Paper Size: H: 18.00cm x W: 18.00cm. (Image H: 10.00cm x W: 10.00cm).
Condition: Mint. Direct from artist. Please contact for any further questions/photos.
Notes: A colourful little mole! A lovely design from Misa Tsuchiya’s #mini-print format. Misa Tsuchiya’s insight & inspiration behind this wonderfully fun piece, 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal):
電車、SNS、バス、世の中ありとあらゆる場所で見かける脱毛の広告。ストーリー調の広告は脱毛をするとすべてが良い方向へ話が進む。(Advertisements for hair removal can be seen on trains, SNS, buses, and everywhere in the japan. In story-like ads, when hair is removed, everything goes in a good direction).
ハダカデバネズミのようにツルンツルンにしたらすべてがうまく行くのかなぁ。(I wonder if everything will go well if I make it smooth like a naked mole rat).
日々目に入る脅迫染みた脱毛推奨広告。(Advertisements that recommend hair removal that are intimidating that you see everyday).
毛は悪なのか?(Is hair bad?).
一時期の脱毛広告の多さに疑問を抱いたときの作品。(This work was created when I had doubts about the number of hair removal advertisements for a while).
Misa Tsuchiya - 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal)
Title: 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal). Ed.7/15.
Artist: Misa Tsuchiya (1993-Present).
Signed & Dated: Signed, titled, & editioned in pencil to plate. Published 2023.
Medium: Water-based Woodblock Print. Printed on "Tosa Washi No. 1". 100% Kozo, Kochi Prefecture.
Paper Size: H: 18.00cm x W: 18.00cm. (Image H: 10.00cm x W: 10.00cm).
Condition: Mint. Direct from artist. Please contact for any further questions/photos.
Notes: A colourful little mole! A lovely design from Misa Tsuchiya’s #mini-print format. Misa Tsuchiya’s insight & inspiration behind this wonderfully fun piece, 脱毛いったよ (Hair Removal):
電車、SNS、バス、世の中ありとあらゆる場所で見かける脱毛の広告。ストーリー調の広告は脱毛をするとすべてが良い方向へ話が進む。(Advertisements for hair removal can be seen on trains, SNS, buses, and everywhere in the japan. In story-like ads, when hair is removed, everything goes in a good direction).
ハダカデバネズミのようにツルンツルンにしたらすべてがうまく行くのかなぁ。(I wonder if everything will go well if I make it smooth like a naked mole rat).
日々目に入る脅迫染みた脱毛推奨広告。(Advertisements that recommend hair removal that are intimidating that you see everyday).
毛は悪なのか?(Is hair bad?).
一時期の脱毛広告の多さに疑問を抱いたときの作品。(This work was created when I had doubts about the number of hair removal advertisements for a while).