Hideshi Yoshida - CEOは,朝のコーヒーを飲みながら、今日はどんな奇跡を起こそうかと考える (The CEO, while drinking morning coffee, contemplates what miracles might happen today)


Title: CEOは,朝のコーヒーを飲みながら、今日はどんな奇跡を起こそうかと考える (The CEO, while drinking morning coffee, contemplates what miracles might happen today). Ed.x/150.

Artist: Hideshi Yoshida (1968-Present).

Signed & Dated: Signed, editioned, & dated in pencil to plate. Published 2020.

Medium: Woodblock print. Carved on Shina Japanese plywood & printed on gampi & kozo papers.

Paper size: H: 23.40cm x W: 17.50cm (Image size: H: 18.00cm x W: 14.00cm).

Condition: Mint. Please refer to photos/contact for any further questions & condition report.

Notes: An incredible & charming masterpiece printed in precision detail on delicate gampi Japanese paper. Set within his Sci-Fi world of Agnahuecom-Land and FROSKEY Inc; the CEO, whilst enjoying his morning coffee, contemplates the day ahead. A fabulous piece, & one which Hideshi Yoshida’s commentary notes:

FROSKEY社の役員については謎が多いことで有名である。CEOの名前はFroskey氏と いうらしいのだが、それでさえ本名であるかどうか疑わしい。しかも社内ではうさぎ型の パワードスーツを着ているという噂まである。社長については名前さえも公表されていな い

The executives of FROSKEY Inc. are famously shrouded in mystery. The CEO is said to go by the name Mr. Froskey, but even that is suspected to be a pseudonym. There are even rumours that within the company, he wears a rabbit-shaped powered suit. As for the president, not even their name has been disclosed.

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