Gihachiro Okuyama - 大船の露頭観音 "Outcrop" Kannon in Ofuna


Title: 大船の露頭観音 - "Outcrop” Kannon in Ofuna.

Artist: Gihachiro Okuyama (1907-1981).

Signed/Sealed to margin:

Published by: (版元) 京都版画院 (Kyoto Hanga-in), Kyoto. Shinagawa seal to bottom right of image.

Printer (摺): Unread (多(?)). Likely a later edition to the first edition of 1949 - printed using the original blocks, circa 1960-1980.

Medium: Woodblock Print.

Paper Size: H: 41.50cm x W: 29.00cm.

Condition: Fine. Stored well in original mount/folder. Please refer to photos / Contact for any further questions & condition report.

Notes: This wonderful image by Gihachiro Okuyama depicts the white-robed Byakue Kannon 白衣観音 which sits within Ofuna Kannon Temple in Kamakura 鎌倉市, Kanagawa Prefecture.

One of thirty-three Buddhist forms of Kannon; the Byakue Kannon stands at over 25m tall and is recognised for her protection over sickness, safe childbirth, disaster, & safe child upbringing. Completed circa 1960, long after its initial work began in 1929 (WWII bringing a halt to its construction), the temple is further treasured for its commemoration & remembrance to those victims of the Hiroshima & Nagasaki atomic bombings.

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