Katsuyuki Nishijima - 堅田舟だまり (Katata Moorings)


Title: 堅田舟だまり (Katata Moorings). Ed.xx/500.

Artist: Katsuyuki Nishijima (1945-Present).

Signed & Dated: Signed and titled in Pencil. Seal to lower left of image. C.2018.

Medium: Woodblock Print.

Paper Size: W: 43.50cm x H: 31.50cm. (Image Size: Approx W: 37.75cm x H: 25.75cm).

Condition: Mint. Please refer to photos / Contact for any further questions & condition report.

Notes: A lovely print depicting traditional Japanese boats - Wasen 和船- moored on the shore of Katata, Lake Biwa. Another wonderful piece illustrating Nishijima’s close connection to the lake & the Eight Views of Omi.

Great sites/articles/reads:

Douglas Brooks: Renowned western Japanese boatbuilding expert; dedicated to researching, documenting, sharing, & promoting the disappearing craft of traditional Japanese boatbuilding - publishing the first comprehensive book in any language: Japanese Wooden Boatbuilding. Brook’s blog entry: Lake Biwa: Strange Boats and a Ryokan.

Explore: Wasen Mokei 和船模型 Modeling Traditional Japanese Water Craft & Glossary of Japanese Boats and Terms- blog by US based expert Clare Hess.

Interview with Douglas Brooks: The craft of Japanese wooden boatbuilding, Merchant & Makers - Article by Gerry Jones.

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